Empire National Bank, Social Media Monitoring

twitter.com Merry Christmas from Empire National Bank! On Tuesday, December 24th, our branch locations will close at 3:00 pm an… https://t.co/9guu2osZ22
Source: twitter.com | author: Empire National Bank | 161 | 17/12/19 13:04
twitter.com DEREGULATION SHOWDOWN: Protest to Flushing Bank Application To Acquire Empire National Bank by @FinanceWatchOrg Aft… https://t.co/5IKTnDVIeW
Source: twitter.com | author: Inner City Press | 80320 | 16/12/19 15:47
twitter.com DEREGULATION SHOWDOWN: Protest to Flushing Bank's Application To Acquire Empire National Bank After #FDIC Joins Com… https://t.co/mnQZrvtl5G
Source: twitter.com | author: FairFinanceWatch.org | 101 | 16/12/19 14:47
twitter.com Flushing Bank Acquiring Empire National Bankhttps://t.co/0Fy5yhdZKghttps://t.co/CHOLWJsrUd
Source: twitter.com | author: Long-Island-Portal | 12330 | 05/11/19 14:22