Westbound Bank -

655 West Grand Parkway South
Katy, TX
Harris County, Texas
29.77139, -95.77606
Mon, 08 Jan 2007

 Social Media monitoring
twitter.com Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. Acquires Westbound Bankhttps://t.co/dNYFZylaNs
Source: twitter.com | author: Financial Buzz | 71152 | 05/06/18 10:10
twitter.com Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. Acquires Westbound Bank. https://t.co/Rvmh4dNmpn
Source: twitter.com | author: Guaranty Bank &Trust | 324 | 05/06/18 09:05
twitter.com Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. Acquires Westbound Bankhttps://t.co/T4VlPmgYFG
Source: twitter.com | author: SPI News | 2588 | 05/06/18 08:36
twitter.com $GNTY Company announces completion of its acquisition of Westbound Bank. Effective June 1, 2018 https://t.co/qXw3hXNlgF
Source: twitter.com | author: StockNews.com | 922 | 05/06/18 08:35
twitter.com Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. Acquires Westbound Bank $GNTY https://t.co/3JIsHkSKFE
Source: twitter.com | author: GNWLive | 1336 | 05/06/18 08:33
twitter.com Guaranty Bancshares: Westbound Bank Special Shareholder Meeting May 21, 2018 Proposed Merger In https://t.co/lk6JVuv4Mr $GNTY
Source: twitter.com | author: Conf Call Tran | 702 | 21/05/18 10:02
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